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Find Out All About Zabul

Map showing Zabul province in Afghanistan

Zabul is a historic province of Afghanistan. Zabul became an independent province from neighbouring Kandahar in 1963, with Qalat being named the provincial capital.


  • 1 Political and Security Situation.
  • 2 Geography and Population
  • 3 Cities
  • 4 Politics
  • 5 See also

Political and Security Situation.

With its sparse population, insecure border with Pakistan and little central authority, Zabul is a fertile ground for insurgents fighting against the current Afghani government, although the province is considered more secure than some of its southern neighbours. The province has especially struggled with retaining NGO's and teachers in the face of Taliban attacks and threats. Until 2006, the only major international presence was an American Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) based in Qalat, when it was joined by a UNAMA branch.

Geography and Population

The population of the province was reported to be 365,920 in 2004, and the province covers an area of 6,590 square miles.


  • Qalat
  • Shajuiy


The current governor of the province is Del Bar Jan Arman.